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Read and remember how to use the words:

to determine: to be determined to do something; a determined character. Do actions determine a man's character? We are determined to master English. The scientists were determined to continue their experiments. I like people of determined character.

attempt: to make an attempt; The girl made an attempt at reading the book without a dictionary, but found it difficult. After several attempts the travellers at last reached the top of the mountain.

particular: to be particular about something; in particular; particularly. He always does things in his own particular way. What she said was of no particular interest. The girl is very particular about her notebooks and they are always in perfect order. Which radio and television programmes do you like particularly?

ahead: Tom was a quick walker so he soon got ahead of the others. Please go ahead and say we are coming.

doubt, to doubt: I have no doubt that Mary will be a skilful typist. When in doubt about the meaning of a word, use your dictionary. A sudden doubt came to his mind. I doubt whether Mike will come. I never doubt his honesty.

forсе, to force: to force one's way through a crowd; to force a person to do something. He knocked at the door with force. Nobody could force Tom to do what he thought was wrong.

worthy: worthy of great praise; deeds worthy of admiration; worthy examples (ideas). Skilled work is always worthy of admiration. He was a worthy winner of the Nobel Prize.

initiative: to do something on one's own initiative. He went to America on his own initiative. If you act responsibly and show that you have initiative, you will sooner or later be successful. You will be working in a situation, where initiative, inventiveness and independence are important.

to accept: to accept an offer; to accept an invitation. The girl accepted our offer of help. They accepted the invitation with pleasure. Did you accept their invitation to the party?

praise, to praise: The man's heroism is worthy of great praise. It is always kind and encouraging to praise a person if he has done a good deed.


Exercise 1. Read and say what these people are (were) determined to do and why:
Example: The players train hard to win the championship.
The players are determined to win the championship. They are sure that they are strong enough to do so. They have trained hard and have shown good results.

1. The mountain climbers did their best to reach the top in spite of the terrible weather conditions and the snowstorm.
2. The rain might prevent the cyclists from showing good results in the race. But their enthusiasm was so great that they decided to do everything possible to cycle at top speed.
3. The scientists could not say that they had achieved good results, but they were ready to carry out as many experiments as was necessary.
4. The boy was not strong but he believed that physical exercises could help him to develop a strong and healthy body. So he made up his mind to play sports regularly.
5. Every summer English swimmers make attempts to cross the English Channel and to reach the French coast, trying to prove that it is quite possible.

Exercise 2. Read and say what these people doubt or have no doubts about, then think of a possible explanation why they have their doubts (have no doubts).
Example: Ann: I'm not sure Kate will make good progress in English. She is lazy.
Ann doubts that Kate will make good progress in English. She doesn't devote much time to her English.

Mike: I don't think you'll be impressed by the sight of the old part of the town.
Tom: I can't believe that the cyclists will be able to cover the distance in half an hour.
Jane: I'm sure our class will accept the invitation to visit the new exhibition with pleasure.
Bill: I think our school team has a chance of winning the competition.
Kate: I don't think we'll be able to translate the text without a dictionary.
Paul: We think that the holiday celebrations will be colourful and impressive.

Exercise 3. Describe different kinds of spectators. Speak about their behaviour and feelings before, during and after competitions (games).
how the results of the participants determine the spectators' feelings;
in what way their encouragement is helpful to the sportsmen.
You may use the following:
attend the game (the competition)
wait patiently
be enthusiastic
be excited
a wonderful sight
win a victory
be defeated
show particular interest in
crowd round the sports field
follow the exciting match (race, contest) with interest
cheer favourite players (athletes) with shouts of encouragement
the excitement of the game
shout enthusiastically to a player

Exercise 4. Name the most popular international sporting events attended by thousands of spectators.
Explain their popularity.
Give a report about an interesting international match or competition.

Exercise 5. Discuss these questions:
1 Why do you think it is necessary for people of all ages to play sports?
2 How is sport helpful to people?
3 Why is it sometimes difficult to find time for regular sports?
4 How can you arrange your day so that you will have time for sports?
5 Do your schoolmates like PE lessons? Why or why not? What role do they play in your physical development?
6 What competitions are particularly exciting for you to watch and why?

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